... is a Fair Trade story
Arrival Gate
The Global Groove Life journey into the world of Fair Trade began the moment I embarked upon my first 100% shoe-string & free-spirited traveling adventure in 1997. Debt free after two years teaching English in Japan, I was armed with a one way ticket to Delhi. Between the aromatic rhythms of anywhere India, taxis to nowhere, bottomless chalices of chai, and Goddesses galore, I instantly embraced the frequently used phrase, “Anything Possible, Madam”. Possibility fueling my mission, I purchased my first batch of Kashmiri Christmas tree ornaments.
Seven years, twelve pop-up shops, and two children later, during my first buying trip with kids in tow, I witnessed the natural spirit of giving and receiving one October day in India, when my then three- year-old son smiled broadly and handed his too-small clothing to a street boy in New Delhi. Completely lacking judgment, it was the true nature of giving and receiving. It was that gesture that initiated the decision to pack up the shops, sell the home and head to Thailand to raise my then three-year-old son and one-year-old daughter in a world based on global community.

Global Groove Life designs, develops, produces and sources fairly traded lifestyle products with a commitment to the sustainability of production and the cultural heritage of the artisans that we work with.
We are a certified fair trade organization supporting and facilitating artisan teams in Thailand and Nepal.
The Fair Trade industry is expanding and we are committed and proud to be a part of a sustainable movement that is changing lives.
Globally focused
We inhale its people, its landscapes, its colors, its flavors, its very scent, and we exhale to create inspirational products symbolic of our traveling experiences. Global Groove Life encourages travel because the knowledge, acceptance and understanding of different ways, people and ideas is the very colorful road to a respectful, safer, kinder world.
Ethically focused
Our manufacturing and business practices stem from a drive to unite global communities that span every culture and geographic boundary through cocreation, education and values based on human rights and dignity. Our products are created under fair trade conditions in Thailand and Nepal. We ensure a living wage and provide comfortable and safe working conditions.
Design focused
Designs express movement through our world. We keep our designs fresh by fusing global inspirations into single products. The creative collections that represent our bohemian lifestyle are but an explicit moment in time that can be suspended, re-lived, and shared with you through our designs.
Future focused
With increased awareness in recent years, the population moving in the direction of fair trade and sustainable purchasing is growing. We understand that you want to know where your products come from and that your purchases are contributing to the empowerment of global community.