Fair Trade Guide Book

About Fair Trade

Fair Trade Is A Growing International Movement, Which Promotes Fair Living Wages To Producers In Developing Countries. Fair Trade Is Not Charity; It Is About Paying Artisans And Farmers A Fair Price For Their Hard Work, Which Is Of Course How All Trade Should Be!

The Fair Trade Federation, an organization that strengthens and promotes North American organizations fully committed to a fair trade, lists the following criteria to qualify a producer for membership:

Paying a fair wage in the local context.
Offering employees opportunities for advancement.
Providing equal employment opportunities for all people, particularly the most disadvantaged.
Engaging in environmentally sustainable practices.
Being open to public accountability.
Building long-term trade relationships.
Providing healthy and safe working conditions within the local context.
Providing financial and technical assistance to producers whenever possible.

Fair trade purchases are a win-win situation for everyone. Consumers get beautifully handmade crafts and sustainably produced food items, while artisans and farmers receive steady fair wages and are given opportunities to break the cycle of poverty, put their children through school and maintain their cultural identity and dignity.

Fair Trade VS. Free Trade

Fair trade is about creating a new way of doing business by accessing markets and opportunities for people who live in the developing world. Fair trade opposes the current dominant model of globalization. Globalization supports free trade.

We are Fair Trade

Global Groove Life is certified by the Fair Trade Federation. Under the Fair Trade Federation, we are required to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

Fair trade is an economic partnership based on dialogue, transparency, and respect. Our goal at Global Groove Life is to pass on these values to our customers by giving a personal introduction to our producers and the world that is behind our products. For 20 years, Global Groove Life has partnered with artisans and local communities in the developing world to produce ethical products inspired by the environments in which they are created. Our products are hand crafted, using traditional skills that support rural communities.

We believe that fair trade offers and attractive alternative for consumers - it puts people ahead of profits, and enables all of us to be more conscientious of our purchases as we work together towards a more humane and just world. Just as we are what we eat, we are also what we shop!

GGL has been a proud member of the FTF for 10 years

Fair trade is an international movement, which promotes fair living wages to producers in developing countries. Fair Trade is not charity; it is about paying artisans and farmers a fair price for their hard work. The Fair Trade Federation, an organization that strengthens and promotes North American organizations fully committed to fair trade, lists the following criteria to qualify a producer for membership:  Paying a fair wage in the local context, offering employees opportunities for advancement, providing equal employment opportunities for all people, particularly the most disadvantaged, engaging in environmentally sustainable practices, being open to public accountability, building long-term trade relationships, providing healthy and safe working conditions within the local context, providing financial and technical assistance to producers whenever possible. Fair trade purchases are a win-win situation for everyone. Consumers get beautifully handmade crafts and sustainable produced food items, while artisans and farmers receive steady fair wages and are given opportunities to break the cycle of poverty, put their children through school and maintain their cultural identity and dignity.